Would you like to make a difference in the lives of families with children in the Kansas City area? We are always accepting donations. Contact us today by email or by calling (816) 550-1588 to see how you can help!


AmazonSmile is a simple, easy way for you to donate to Opal's Embrace. Simply select Opal’s Embrace from the list of charitable organizations available on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile will make a donation to our organization every time you shop, at no additional cost to you. Your online purchases can benefit young children and families! Just select us as your charity of choice, and then shop as you normally do; it's as easy as that! If you have questions, feel free to email us today. Happy shopping!

Our Sponsors

We can't do it alone, and we thank you for your support!

There are many ways our sponsors have helped Opal’s Embrace. Recently, with the help of our sponsors, we were honored to provide beds, household supplies, and food for a family who lost everything they owned in a fire. Other times, we have helped bridge the gap for many young families who have needed help feeding their families, and we've provided clothing and toys to needy families during the holidays.

If you would like to offer your support, please contact us.