Fill out the following information as completely as possible. The better we understand your situation, the better we can work with you. Let us know if you need any help.

Applicant Information

Please help us understand your situation by selecting from the list below.
Please select all that apply.
Do you receive financial assistance from other organizations?

Household Information

Benefits will be based on everyone who currently lives in your home. Tell us about your current situation using the following boxes for each person living in your residence.
Applicant Details (Your Information)
Sex (M/F)
Are you a US citizen?
Additional Household Member #1
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
Additional Household Member #2
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
Additional Household Member #3
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
Additional Household Member #4
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
Additional Household Member #5
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
Additional Household Member #6
Sex (M/F)
US Citizen?
If you have additional household members, please enter the same information for any additional members below:

Household Expenses/Income

Please fill out the following sections so we can understand your situation and know how and if we can assist you.
Is anyone in your household pregnant?
Do you or anyone in your household have any current medical expenses?
If you or anyone in your household has any unusual expenses not covered above, please explain:
Is there anyone in your household that does not have medical insurance? If yes, list names:
Household Income
Are there any extenuating circumstances that affect your current financial situation?
Monthly Totals
I understand the importance that all my information must be true and honest and that Opal’s Embrace is a nonprofit charitable organization that has limited funding. I understand Opal's Embrace will choose families based on their specific situation and on a first come, first serve basis. I understand that completed applications do not guarantee assistance.

Your electronic signature below also provides permission for Opal's Embrace to use images of you and/or your child for promotional purposes, which might include printed materials, social media, and on this website.

Please enter your electronic signature and date below: